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Press Release


Alysia Arm­strong Joins Olympus Insurance

ORLANDO, FL – August 30, 2011 – Olym­pus Insur­ance Company, a lead­ing Florida home­owner insurer, announced today that Alysia Arm­strong has joined the com­pany as its Agency Oper­a­tions Man­ager.  She brings to Olym­pus exper­tise in mar­ket research, trade show mar­ket­ing, con­tracts and sales man­age­ment.  She will over­see all internal agency oper­a­tions and is based in the Company’s Orlando office.

“We couldn’t be hap­pier to have Alysia join Olym­pus,” said Christina Clark, VP of Mar­ket­ing at Olym­pus Insur­ance.  “She has sig­nif­i­cant expe­ri­ence and the right skill set to help sup­port our expan­sion goals as well as the com­mit­ment to excel­lent ser­vice that is a hallmark of our Com­pany.  Alysia is a con­sum­mate pro­fes­sional with the abil­ity to man­age mul­ti­ple plat­forms at once, a crit­i­cal asset in the rapidly grow­ing and fre­quently chang­ing envi­ron­ment that is prop­erty and casu­alty insurance.”

Ms. Arm­strong has a deep back­ground in the insur­ance indus­try where her roles have included man­ag­ing agent, client, and ven­dor rela­tion­ships and lead­ing new busi­ness devel­op­ment and mar­ket­ing sup­port.  Alysia’sprevious expe­ri­ence also includes Star­wood Hotels & Resorts in Orlando where she was charged with strat­egy cre­ation and man­age­ment of the Com­pet­i­tive Intel­li­gence practice.

“I am extremely excited to be join­ing the excep­tion­ally tal­ented team at Olym­pus,” said Alysia Arm­strong.  “The Com­pany is a true leader in homeowner’s insur­ance across the state of Florida, providing inno­v­a­tive and com­pet­i­tive cov­er­ages.  I look for­ward to help­ing Olym­pus fur­ther build it brand, cus­tomer base and agent net­work as well as con­tinue its record of solid growth.”

About Olym­pus Insur­ance Company

Olym­pus Insur­ance Com­pany spe­cial­izes in writ­ing vol­un­tary homeowner and condo poli­cies in Florida through a statewide network of more than 2,000 inde­pen­dent agents in per­sonal insurance. Olym­pus entered the Florida home­own­ers mar­ket in May of 2007 hop­ing to meet the cov­er­age demands of Florida’s prop­erty res­i­dents. Olym­pus prides itself on its com­mit­ment to under­writ­ing each home that it insures indi­vid­u­ally, based on the customer’s needs.

Olympus Insurance is licensed by the state of Florida. Information found on this site is intended for Florida residents only.