Protected: Welcome Webinar

Protected: Welcome Webinar

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Webinar cover
What if I am a general constructor building my own home?

System Login/User Preferences Training Video

Click here to view the System Login/User Preferences Training Video in full screen or click the play button to view in this window.

System Login/User Preferences Training Instructions

Click here to download a PDF of these instructions.

Login Screen

  • Go to
  • Select the agent icon and click on OICONNECT/ sign in. From this page you can also access the Legacy System where you will found your previously written, organic policies until they renew on the OIconnect system, the takeout policy system and flood access.

Login Screen

  • Once you click on OICONNECT/ sign in, you will arrive at the OICONNECT login page.
    PLEASE NOTE: Here you can access the OIconnect training page by clicking the link within the message board.
  • Enter username and password provided via email

Main Menu

  • Hover over the MAIN MENU header, click USER PREFERENCES

Editing User Credentials

The DETAILS section allows editing of user credentials, including name, email address, user name/password, phone numbers, and physical address. The settings below may also be changed based on preferences:

  • Number of rows displayed in search results (defaults at 10)
  • Number of items to show on the policy view history drop down (defaults at 5)
  • Number of items that show in the claims view history drop down
    (defaults at 5)
  • Please select and answer a Security Question upon initial login.

SKIN IMAGE section, the skin image, background, and font colors may be customized.

To choose a different skin, select from a list of Olympus logos or upload another image.

Color Selector

  • Each font and background color choice is listed under the skins or choose a standard color scheme
  • Click Save at the top of the page above User Details or at the bottom underneath the skin options to save your changes.
Lightning Quote

Lightning Quote Training Video

Click here to view the Lighting Quote Training Video in full screen or click the play button to view in this window.

Lightning Quote Instructions

Click here to download these instructions

Begin Quote

Once entering your login credentials in the Olympus Production site, you can begin a quote in one of two ways

  1. On the first page, you can click the “lightning quote” option in the application section OR
  2. Hover over the “Main Menu” icon, and choose “Lightning Quote” under “Quoting and Binding” under “Quoting and Binding”.

Agency Information

  • Enter the Quote Effective Date and select the corresponding agency from the dropdown

Basic Information

  • Choose the policy form – Homeowners or Dwelling Fire
  • If you’re quoting a homeowners policy, then choose either HO6 or HO3 under “Form Type”
  • Usage – Indicate if this is a Primary, Secondary or Seasonal Residence
  • New Purchase – Choose Yes or No
    • If Yes, a mailing address field opens up next to risk address. This is required for the insurance score

Personal Information

  • Under Personal Information, choose whether this risk is owned by an individual, LLC, Trust or Other
    • “Individual” will generate additional fields for first and last name, SSN (Not required), DOB (required for insurance scoring)
    • If there is a second named insured, click AND to generate another name field. Otherwise, click N/A.
  • For Trust/LLC, additional fields will generate requiring first/last names, dob, and either the name of the trust or the name of the LLC
    • You must choose either AND (to add another insured) OR N/A if there isn’t one
  • Individual – additional fields will generate requiring First and Last Name, Social Security Number (Not Required), Date of Birth, Name of Trust or LLC of individual(s) occupying residence
    • If there is a second named insured, click AND to generate another name field. Otherwise, click N/A

Risk Address

ADDRESS INFORMATION: You will need to enter the risk address, including the zip code.

Address Suggestion

  • An “Address Suggestion” will pop up with a verified risk address
  • Mailing address is required if this is a new purchase
  • Mailing address is required if this is a new purchase
  • Choose the correct one, or enter manually if different or not found


The final section on this page is where you’ll enter any discount information that might apply, including multi policy information, burglar/fire alarms, electronic policy discount, etc.  If there are duplicates on this risk under your agency code (policy or quotes), a box will appear with information on each of these including quote/policy number, insured name and address.

You can click on the quote/policy number of a duplicate to continue editing the original, or you can click OK to finish the current quote.

  • Click OK to continue through
  • Click Continue

Rating Info

Any known information regarding this address will populate automatically. Review carefully to ensure accuracy.

  • Year of Construction
  • Construction Class
  • Dwelling Type
  • Number of Stories
  • Square Footage
  • Year of Roof (please enter)
  • Roof Geometry
  • Roof Type
  • Distance to fire hydrant
  • Protection Class
  • Number of Families
  • Flood Zone
  • Finally on this page we have the Rating Info pulled from webservice
  • This shows what territory code it falls into, DTC parameters, BCEG and also the insurance tier they fall into (which will not print on the quote)

Coverage Information

Enter the coverage A amount, choose a coverage B limit (or leave it as zero for a premium savings), then choose Medical Payments to Others, Liability, and Deductible Limits..  Please remember that our base AOP deductible is 1%.  Anything lower will have a surcharge reflected.

Wind Mitigation

  • If you have a wind mit, click the + under the Wind Mitigation section to expand those options
  • Opening protection credits on new coastal risks will now be included automatically
  • You can upload the wind mitigation in this section to attach to the quote


  • Any endorsements already included will have a red X next to them
  • To add an additional endorsement, the Spartan for example, click on the name of the actual endorsement (“Spartan Enhanced Coverage”), and thin click ADD at the bottom
  • Once the wanted endorsements are chosen, continue through for a rate

Rate Results

  • Shows the quote information
    • Quote number
    • Effective date
    • Policy form
    • Applicant Name
  • Premium Breakdown
    • Coverage Premiums
    • Credits
    • Endorsements
  • Premium
    • Premium, inclusive of MGA policy feeds and surcharges
    • MGA Policy Fee Emergency Management Trust Fund Surcharge
    • Total Premium
  • Quote Imaging with links to:
    • Add attachments
    • Add images
    • Print quote
    • Email quote
    • Save and exit
    • Or convert to application
Policy and Quote Search

Policy and Quote Search Training Video

Click here to view the Policy and Quote Search Training Video in full screen or click the play button to view in this window.

Policy and Quote Search Training Instructions

Click here to download a PDF of these instructions

You can begin the search in one of two ways. Either by choosing “search” under the APPLICATION section of the home page, or from the Main Menu.

We’re going to search by hovering over the Main Menu, and clicking Search.

Here you have the ability to search by a number of criteria including:

  • Inception Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Policy/Quote Number
  • Insured Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Line of Business
    • Homeowners – Takeout
    • Homeowners
    • Dwelling Fire – Takeout
    • Dwelling Fire
  • Policy Type
    • DP-3
    • HO-3
    • HO-6
  • Status Search
    • Application
    • Cancel
    • Cancel/Rewrite
    • Endorsement
    • Endorsement/Quote
    • Lightning Quote
    • New Business
    • Reinstatement
    • Renewal
    • Renewal Quote
  • Select the search option then click Search.

Any results that match your query will appear on the Search Results page. From here, you can choose the policy or quote you were searching for by clicking on the Policy Number.


Application with no Prior Quote Training Instructions

Click here to download a PDF of these instructions.


  • To login to the Olympus production system, go to
  • Enter the username and password provided for you.  Click Submit

Accessing New Application Screen

  • Hover over the “Main Menu” header, then click on “Application”

Agency Information

  • Enter the correct “Quote Effective Date” and select the corresponding agency from the drop down menu

Basic Information

Select the Policy Form, Form Type, Usage (Primary, Secondary, Seasonal), and indicate whether or not the property is a new purchase.

Application Information

  • Choose whether the Property is owned by a Trust, LLC, Individual or Other
  • For example, if the property is owned by an individual, enter the applicant’s First Name, Last Name, Social Security Number, and Date of Birth
  • Choose the Preferred method of contact: select phone, text/SMS or Email
  • Enter the applicant’s cell phone number or check the box indicating they do not have a cell phone. If they do not have a cell phone, you must enter an alternate number to continue.
  • Enter the applicant’s email address
  • If there is an additional insured, click the “And” button and enter the additional insured’s First Name, Last Name, Social Security Number, and Date of Birth. Then select the Relationship to the Applicant from the drop down menu (Spouse, Sibling, Parent, Other)
  • If there is no other insured, choose N/A

Applicant Address Information

  • Enter the Property Address, including city, state, and zip code. Note: As you completing this section an “address suggestion” message will appear with the correct validated address.
  • Once you click on the address, an Alert will appear with any information regarding coverage limitations and/or zip restrictions in that area. Please read, and click OK.


  • If the applicant has any other active Olympus policy, enter that information here. If there are no other active policies, simply choose “no”.
  • Check the Electronic Policy box if the applicant would like to receive the policy documents via email ($10 discount)

Protective Devices

  • Burglar Alarm – select Central Station, Policy Station, Local or None from the dropdown menu
  • Fire Alarm – select Central Station, Fire Department, Local, or None from the dropdown menu
  • Automatic Sprinklers – select None, Automatic Sprinklers in all areas including attics, bathrooms, closets, attached structures or Automatic Sprinklers in all areas except attic, bathroom, closet, and attached structure areas protected by a fire detector
  • Click Continue to move forward.

Update Property Information

Fire Protection is the first field. The Protection class will load automatically, as will the responding fire department and distance from the nearest station. Choose the distance from the nearest hydrant from the drop down box.

Rating Information

This information should pull automatically unless it is brand new construction.

  • Year of Construction
  • Construction Class
    • Frame
    • Masonry
    • Masonry Veneer
    • Fire Resistive
  • Dwelling Type
    • Single Family
    • Row House
    • Townhouse
    • Duplex
  • Number of Stories
  • Square Footage
  • Territory Code
  • Distance to Coast
  • BCEG
  • Year of Roof
  • Roof Shape
    • Hip
    • Flat
    • Gable
    • Other
  • Roof Material
    • Composition
      • Tile
      • Tin
      • Tar and Gravel
      • Rolled Roofing
      • Metal
      • Other
    • Number of Families
    • Number of Boarders
    • Flood Zone
    • Tier Group Note: This is the insurance score tier they fall into. If you receive an 11 it is a NO HIT, meaning their information wasn’t successfully pulled

Dwelling Updates

Click the + sign to expand this section and provide and information on updates that may have been made to:

  • Electrical
    • Check the corresponding box if any of the wiring is
      • Knob and tube
      • Aluminum
      • Cloth
    • Check the corresponding box if any panels are
      • Federal pacific
      • Challenger
      • Zinsco
      • Sylvania
  • Heating
  • Plumbing
    • Check the corresponding box if there is any galvanized or polybutylene plumbing


Choose the primary heat source from the drop down

  • Central Electric Heat
  • Central Gas Heat
  • Portable Electric Space Heater
  • Wood Burning Stove
  • Kerosene Heater
  • Solar Heat
  • Other

Answer Yes or No to the question “Are there any fuel storage tanks on the premises?”

Click Continue, to proceed to Additional Information

Additional Information

  • Enter years at current address
  • Select Yes or No, if the mailing address is the same as the property address Note: If the mailing address is different, when you click “NO” additional address fields will populate for the applicant’s mailing address information

Current Carrier Information

  • Enter their Most Recent/Current Carrier Name, Policy Number for Current Policy, Expiration Date for Current Policy, Years with Current Carrier
  • If the property is in a special flood zone, make sure the box is checked. There is a follow up question if it is in a special flood hazard area, “Does the applicant maintain a flood insurance policy?”, will appear. Answer Yes or No.
    • If Yes, additional fields will appear to enter in the flood carriers name, policy number, expiration date, and years with that carrier.


Here we run prior claims report, and any known claims should pull automatically.

  • If the policyholder has had any losses in the last 5 years that don’t appear, click the “Add” button
  • Enter the Date of Loss, Loss Descriptions, Claim Amount, whether it was a 1) Fire Loss 2) Total Loss 3) Storm Related or 4) a Liability Loss.


An alert box will appear first thing regarding the replacement cost. PLEASE READ and click OK.

Coverage Information

  • Dwelling Limit
  • Other Structures – choose amount from the drop down
    • Personal Property
    • Loss of Use
    • Liability (defaults to $100k)
    • Medical Payments (defaults to $1k)
    • Hurricane Deductible (defaults at 1%)
    • All Other Perils Deductible (defaults at 1%)
  • To update the RCE, click on the “Launch 360 Value”

Wind Mitigation

Click the + to expand

  • If a wind mitigation has been completed, click “yes” and give the date. You can upload the inspection using the “upload inspection form” link
  • Make any changes based on the mitigation, i.e.
    • Roof Cover
    • Roof Dec Attachment
    • Roof Wall Connection
    • Opening Protection
    • Terrain Exposure
    • Roof Geometry
    • Secondary Water Resistance
  • Click Continue

Optional Coverages

Endorsements and Optional Coverages

To add an endorsement, click on the NAME of the coverage. For example, to add the Spartan Endorsement, click on the “Spartan Enhanced Coverage”. More information will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click “ADD”. You will know an endorsement has been added on by the RED X that appears next to it. That X can be clicked to REMOVE a coverage if you decide to. Note: If you return to the COVERAGES tab, you’ll see that the liability and medical payment limits have been increased to the max and are greyed out, reflecting the addition of the Spartan package.

  • Click “Continue” to proceed to UW Questions

Underwriting Questions

  • Read through each question and answer Yes or No. Some are eligibility based
  • Answering Yes on certain inquiries will populate additional questions in reference For example, Is there a swimming pool on this property?
    • Opens up two additional fields:
      • Does the pool have a diving board or slide?
      • Is the pool protected by a permanently installed fence, wall, or screen enclosure that is lockable?
  • Once all questions are accurately answered, click “Continue”

Lienholder Information

You can add any lienholder information, additional interest information, or additional insured information on this page.

  • When adding a lienholder, we will ask for the lienholder name, loan number, their address and an optional description. Click SAVE when finished.
  • When adding an additional interest, we will ask for the name, loan number, address and optional description. Click SAVE when finished.
  • When adding an additional insured, we will ask for the name, address, explanation and relationship to insured (spouse, sibling, parent, or other)
  • Under Attachments, you can upload files or emails that pertain to this information

Rate Results

Referral Reasons – If the risk needs to be referred for any reasons, details populate here

Agent Comments – Open notes section to add any notes or details about the property, applicant, etc.

Underwriter Comments

Quote Information

  • Location Address
  • Insured Name
  • Effective Date
  • Coverage Premium
  • Credits – Shows the name of any discounts they are receiving and actual premium savings associated with the quote
  • Endorsements- Shows any endorsements that have been added on and the premium that is being charged


  • Total Premium for this policy
  • MGA Fees
  • Emergency Management Trust Fund Surcharge
  • Total Premium Due

Payment Options

  • Select address from the dropdown where the invoice from this term will be mailed to
  • Next, choose the address for the renewal invoice from the drop down
  • Payment Plan Type
    • We can accept Total Premium Payment, Semiannual Payment, or Quarterly Payment Plans. Note: If you choose a multi-payment plan, the due dates and amounts due are listed out

Quote Imaging

  • Here you can add any attachments (wind mitigations or photos)
  • You can email the quote, print the quote, or Bind the Application
  • When you Bind Application, the next page will be “payment type”
    • None
    • Insured Debit/Credit Card
    • Insured E-check
  • Policy Forms
    • Here you can select any/all forms to send via email or print out
  • Policy Holder and Agency Information – breakdown of policy including:
    • Insured Name
    • Policy Number
    • Old Policy if associated with this account
    • Agency Name
    • Agency Code
    • Policy Type
    • Effective and Expiration Dates
    • Term Length
    • Payment Plan
    • Billing Method
    • Policy Status

You can view policyholder information, DOB, email, payments due, or make a payment. You can also tab through to detail on their coverages, transactions, images, actions, and inspections.


Click here to download a PDF of this Q&A section



  • works best in Chrome or Firefox; Be sure that pop up blockers are turned off
  • There is a training link on the login page you may use to familiarize yourself with the system
  • Policies bound/renewed in OIConnect have a suffix after the policy number (OL1234567-00). A policy number with no suffix has not renewed and will be found in the legacy system or the take out system. Renewal processing is expected to begin in OIConnect within 30 days of the launch.
  • For system access click;
  • For Training access click;


  1. Interior Inspections will be ordered on homes 20 years and older (change from 30 years, still no cost to the insured).
  2. High value (Interior) Inspections on homes $750K coverage A and higher will also be ordered at no cost to the insured.
  3. You are not required to use the 360 RCE, however, it must be within 95%-125% of coverage A or you cannot bind coverage. Also, be sure that everything in the 360 RCE is correct as the information imported can affect rating factors. (i.e. number of stories, type of construction)
  4. Coverage C does not automatically recalculate when coverage A is changed; be sure to check percentages before binding.
  5. We still accept credit cards including MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Visa is NOT an accepted credit card any longer.
  6. Endorsements or cancellations cannot be back dated prior to the most recent endorsement change. You will also need to take into consideration current underwriting guidelines.
  7. If an endorsement request is submitted within the first 90 days it will be processed back to inception.
  8. Click on the transaction tab to find the invoice for the policy once bound.

OICONNECT Policyholder Care features include:

  • Online access to policy documents
  • Locate company and agent information
  • Review and pay bill
  • Set up payment reminders via text or e-mail

Your policyholders may access this portal via the POLICYHOLDER TAB within the landing page. They will need their name, policy number, 5-digit location zip code and a valid email address to login.


Q1:   What is the difference between a lightning quote and a “regular” quote?
A:       No difference.   Lightning quote IS the quote.

Q2:   Is SSN required in order to get an accurate insurance score?
A:       No, social security number is not required, but we will need date of birth and        current residence address for an accurate score.

Q3:   Will risk information be “grayed” out, and unable to change until you get to the 360?
A:       If risk information pulls from the property appraiser, it will be grayed out.  You will have to change this in the 360.

Q4:   Will the new system work with comparative raters?
A:       OIConnect will communicate and prefill with comparative raters. However, because Olympus uses insurance scoring as a rating factor, the rates are not always accurate unless you branch over into our system. Please be sure to go into our system for the most accurate rates for your clients. Depend on the comparative raters to simply prefill information and speed the quoting process along.

Q5:   If you do not have the information in the Lightning Quote to pull the insurance tier, but enter it later in the application portion, will it re-run the tier and update the premium?
A:       Yes.

Q6:   Will insurance Tiers be visible to agents?
A:       Yes, the insurance tier is located on the property tab in the quote.

Q7:   How do losses get pulled / verified?
A:       Loss history will be ordered during the quote process, but you will not be able to see the loss history until the application section. If a chargeable loss is returned, a surcharge will be automatically applied in the quote.  If a loss prevents binding, you will receive a hard stop within the application.

Q8:   When limits are changed in the quote, will the percentages automatically update as well?
A:       No.  Be sure to verify all coverage percentages for accuracy.  For example if coverage A is revised, coverage C will need to be manually adjusted to reach 50%.  If you utilize the Spartan this will not be necessary.

Q9:   How does the cancel/rewrite button work?
A:       The cancel/rewrite button is IMMEDIATE in OICONNECT.  Once you click on the button, the policy is immediately canceled even if done by accident.

Q10:   When are policy declarations available?
A:          Policy declarations are available immediately after binding.

Q11:   What happens when you have to backdate a policy endorsement in OICONNECT?
A(1):     In the first 90 days of any new or renewal policy,  endorsements or cancellations will backdated to policy inception date.
A(2):     After the first 90 days, endorsements or cancellations may only be backdated as far as the last endorsement change effective date (except renewal transactions).

Q12:   How do underwriting referrals work in the new system?
A(1):    Underwriting referrals are generated at the conclusion of the application process. We are considering a modification that will alert the user to a referral condition as soon as it is generated.
A(2):    Users will be notified immediately of any condition which renders the risk ineligible. However, please feel free to contact our underwriter on any risks you feel warrant additional consideration.

Q13:   Will agents be able to process on-line endorsements at some point?
A:          Endorsement processing is a priority and will be available soon.

Q14:   Can images and documents be uploaded to the policy file?
A:          Yes, you can browse and upload files during the application process.

Q15:   Do we get policy transaction reports?
A:          Yes, a transaction report will go out by e-mail to all licensed producers in the agency if any transaction is processed.

Q16:   Can agents eventually have the ability to set policy defaults specific to their agency code for certain coverage limits, etc.?
A:          We look forward to providing this option at some point, but not right away.

Q17:   What is the default percentage for other structures?
A:          Other Structures defaults to 0% to provide maximum flexibility.

Q18:   The base premium calculation looks different in OIconnect.  Is it?
A:          Base premium will appear slightly different in OICONNECT but total premium is the same. The reason is because wind mitigation is being deducted directly from Coverage A instead of broken out later in the endorsement section.

Q19:   I am seeing slight rate differences between the Legacy System and OIconnect.  What could be causing this?
A(1)     Age of home – the legacy system took month and year of construction into account, whereas OIconnect only uses year. Occasionally, rates can vary slightly if it was a year-end month.
A(2)    Slight differences in distance to coast mapping.

Q20:   Will my agency still receive IVANS transactions?
A:          Yes, you will still receive IVANS downloads unless your current agency management system is E- Bridge Solutions or Agency Advantage. The types of transactions that will be downloaded are new business (paid), renewal offers, non-renewals, endorsements (coverage change only), cancellations, and reinstatements. Payment installments, underwriting requests, and paid renewals are not downloaded. Homeowner contain the prefix “OL, OIC, and OLT”. Dwelling policies contain the prefix “OICF, and OLTD”. Olympus’s NAIC and origination address is remaining the same. (Please note: due to the three current production environments, you may receive three separate commission deposits/statements should commissions generate in all systems.)

Q21:   Can I change my login credentials?
A:          Absolutely.  After your initial login with the username and password provided by Olympus via e-mail, you can change your login credentials after entering the security question within the system set-up.


UNDERWRITING MEMOS – All underwriting memos will be routed to the agent who binds the policy. If you want memos directed to a generic or centralized e-mail address, you need to send notification of this change to Please include your agency code and the e-mail you want to utilize.

PAYMENTS – All payments of new and renewal business processing through the OICONNECT system can be made within the agency portal and the policyholder portal.  If your client is making a payment on a policy still within the legacy system, they must do so via the legacy system payment link on the OIConnect landing page.

ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT DISCOUNT – Make sure you select the electronic document endorsement within the new business quote.  Not only does this endorsement offer the policyholder direct electronic access to all their policy document s and invoices, but it carries with it a discount applied to the annual policy premium.

System Login / User Preference Spanish


Agency Marketing

Agent Marketing Series 1

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